Angry Birds

Our favorite characters from the Angry birds game

size: 48 cards, type: standard, published: 11/24/2013, categories: Children, author: k8i, downloads: 402x, rating: 60% language versions: Czech Other

Atomic Bird
Black Bird
King Pig
Luke Helmet
Darth Vader
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rebel Bird
Yellow Bird
Yoda Bird
Tusken Raider
Terence Green
Terence Red
Super Red Bird
Space Eagle
Red Skywalker
Pig Trooper
Orange Bird
Lazer Bird
Chuck Solo
Bomb Bird
Blue Bird
Helmet Pig
Moustache Pig

The pairs game is published under license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 UnportedLicence Creative Commons

Run online game

You can play this memory game against computer or human opponents within your PC or you can invite and play game with friends over internet.

Download for print

Pick a print size and click dowload button. Then proceed according to create game cards instructions.

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