Fetuses of trees and plants

Beech, oak, chestnut, walnut, linden, apple, pear, apricot, plum, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, hops, and more.

size: 64 cards, type: standard, published: 5/14/2012, categories: Plants and trees, author: Kvítek, downloads: 3951x, rating: 61% language versions: Czech Other

The pairs game is published under license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 UnportedLicence Creative Commons

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Pick a print size and click dowload button. Then proceed according to create game cards instructions.

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10/14/2022 tomáš

bilío to super.

11/30/2019 Aja

to bylo naše nejoblibenější pexeso z dětství!!!!!
to je krásná srdcovka, děkujeme!!!!!

3/2/2019 Lenka Kubíčková

Dá se koupit?

5/4/2017 Lenka Borovičková

Dobrý den, bylo by mozné si u vas zakoupit to pexeso stromy a plody? Dekuji moc B.

1/31/2017 Lenka

c.13je hloh

3/29/2014 věra

č.13 není šípek, je to hloh! šípek je 19, č. 25 jsou opravdu brusinky.

12/26/2013 Eva

13 je šípek a 25 brusinky

11/4/2013 Eva

Pekny vecer, nemate prosim nekdo tiraz tohoto pexesa s popisem co je na ktere karticce, zajima me hlavne 13 a 25, dekuju.